Hi all.
Jeffrey here for another look at the current week’s puzzle.

“The Opposite Effect” is this week’s puzzle title and the theme answers are all oxymoronic, with the two words being opposites of each other.
18a [Northbound driver’s errant eastward turn?] – WRONG RIGHT.
23a [Tumble taken in April?] – SPRING FALL.
36a [Cow with the sharper-sounding moo?] – HIGHER LOWER.
50a [Is in the theatre business?] – WORKS PLAYS.
56a [Chandelier that’s hard to lift?] – HEAVY LIGHT.
I couldn’t think of any other examples off hand. If you have one, mention it in the comments.

Canadian content:
49a [“Nowhere With You” singer Plaskett] – JOEL. From Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. New to me. Sounds pretty cool.
3d [Febreze targets] – ODOURS. In Canada, odors have U.
4d [ ____ Québécois (“péquiste” group)] – PARTI. A péquiste is a supporter of the Parti Québécois.
6d [The “T” of Ont.’s GTA] – TOR. Greater Toronto Area in Ontario to use big words.
8d [Kiefer Sutherland’s dad] – DONALD. His mother was actress Shirley Douglas and his grandfather Tommy Douglas, the “father” of Canadian universal health care. Quite the pedigree.
57d [Water in Lac Saint-Jean] – EAU. Eau in French for “I have no consonants.” Or maybe water.

Tip of the Week:
Remember an answer can be more than one word. A LOOP, IT OR, AIMED AT, GO SOLO just a few examples from today’s puzzle.
See you next week!