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ClassiCanadian Crosswords

Barb's crosswords have been featured in a variety of leading publications including Zoomer, Reader's Digest, Northword Magazine, Kaslo Guide, and the Central Kootenay Farm & Food Directory.


“Sometimes I sit back and marvel at the cleverness behind the puzzle.”

-Daryl Cober, Toronto, On

“The Canadian content is particularly appealing.”

-Donna Marlatte, Vancouver, BC

“My sister has given me a birthday present of this subscription. You have no idea how happy I was to receive it.”

-Perry Kraft, Cranbrook, BC

“Thank you very much! My wife and I love these every week and look forward to their delivery.”

-James Mones, Edmonton, AB

“Just wanted to say how much I enjoy solving your puzzles each week, keep up the great work!”

-Janet E. John, Cranbrook, BC

About Me

I’ve always been a ravenous “verbivore,” gobbling books on word origins, tinkering with poetry writing, playing Scrabble, and of course, solving crossword puzzles. Fifteen year ago I tried my hand at constructing crosswords and I’ve been honing my craft ever since.

My early crosswords were published in The New York TimesThe Los Angeles Times and GAMES Magazine. I eventually sought Canadian markets with my work appearing in Saturday Night MagazineQuill & Quire and Reader’s Digest,Canada. With the late Dave Macleod I co-authored four Canadian crossword books: Think Canadian! Crosswords, and O Canada Crosswords, vols. 8, 9 and 10. My ClassiCrosswords now appear in numerous publications and fresh puzzles are distributed once a week to subscribers.

Thank you for visiting my website. Happy crossword solving!

Barb Olson
Nelson, BC

Contact Barb

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