~ Finely-crafted crosswords for the Canadian Brain ~
elcome to ClassiCanadian Crosswords.
I’m Barb Olson and I create crossword puzzles
for you, the Canadian solver.
ClassiCanadian Crosswords
- Themed and titled
- Crafted with humour and wordplay
- Contain references to Canadian history, geography, people, events
Crosswords are emailed directly to subscribers once a week.
This week’s puzzle:
Interested in publishing?
ClassiCanadian Crosswords appear in newspapers and magazines from coast to coast.
ClassiCanadian Crosswords are published regularly in several newspapers and magazines. Always themed, always clever, always Canadian, these puzzles are are an engaging draw for readers all across this country. To add a ClassiCanadian Crossword to your publication, contact Barb.
Happy Solvers
Stunning Reviews
Puzzles + Counting
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About the Crosswords:
If you solve crosswords you know how rare it is to find a clue or answer relating to Canada. Most crosswords published in Canada are made by Americans. They’re great, but they don’t reflect life here in Canada.
ClassiCanadian Crosswords are different. They contain all the ingredients of well-crafted American puzzles – clever themes, humour and tricky wordplay – but there’s an added dash of “maple flavour” that gives them a touch of Canadian class.
ClassiCanadian Crosswords are Grade A (Eh?) food for the brain. And best of all, they let you “think Canadian!”
Try one! Click on grid below:
ClassiCanadian Crosswords are available for publication in print/online papers, magazines, websites, newsletters, etc.
ClassiCanadian Crosswords are:
- 15x15 daily-sized
- Titled
- Themed
- Filled with wordplay and humour
- Designed for Canadian solvers: references to Canadian geography, culture, history
*Pricing is based on the number of your publications carrying each puzzle. For further details, please contact me.