Hi all.

Jeffrey here.

“That’s Unreal!” is this week’s puzzle title and the theme answers all contain a mythical creature in a different context.

18a [Narwhal, by another name] – SEA UNICORN.

24a [One constantly glued to one’s phone, iPad, etc.] – SCREEN ZOMBIE.  I’m not glued to them, I’m just very closely attached.

37a [Online rabble-rouser]– INTERNET TROLL. Fortunately, not something we see on this site. You are all nice people!

50a [Fearsome lizard of Indonesia]– KOMODO DRAGON.

58a [‘70s hatchback listed on CNBC’s 10 Ugliest Cars of All Time] – AMC GREMLIN.

Canadian content:

17a [Common weather word in Lethbridge] – GUST. Per the City of Lethbridge, Alberta website:

Contrary to popular belief, Lethbridge is not the windiest city in Canada. According to Environment Canada, Lethbridge ranks eighth overall for windiest city.

Only eighth! No big deal. St John’s, Newfoundland is number one.

38d [Rush or The Be Good Tanyas] – TRIO. Both Canadian groups.

43d [Aykroyd or Levy] –DAN.  Dan Aykroyd was born in Ottawa, Dan Levy in Toronto.

51d [Newfoundland town featured on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”] – DILDO. I feel like this is all leading up to a joke that I can’t tell here about driving an ugly car in the Newfoundland wind.

63d [CARP mems.] – SRS (seniors). Canadian Association of Retired Persons. Members can be 45+, so not all are seniors, or retired persons or maybe not even Canadian. Or fish.


Tip of the Week:

8d [Figure of speech exemplified by “She ran a fever and a marathon”] – ZEUGMA might by the best word I’ve never heard of before. Remember, the crossings are your friend.


Bonus Tip of the Week:

The 43rd American Crossword Puzzle Tournament is being held virtually on April 23-25 so here’s you chance to compete and maybe beat me for a so-called Foreign Division prize! Details at acptonline.com

See you next week!