Hi all.
“Misplaced Modifiers” is this week’s puzzle title and each theme answer has the leading adjective (or adverb?) moved to the end and become a noun to create a wacky new phrase.
18a [Apartment of an environmental group?] – EARTH SOCIETY FLAT (Flat Earth Society)
29a [Aldous Huxley book about an Atlanta baseball pro?] – NEW WORLD BRAVE (Brave New World)
47a [Money for meals?] – VITTLES TENDER (Tender Vittles)
60a [Penalty for a clear catch-and-release violation?] – KETTLE OF FISH FINE (Fine kettle of fish)
Canadian content:
15a [Via freighter] – BY SEA. Canada’s passenger train network is Via Rail. Which has nothing to do with this clue but I thought you’d like to know.
34a [Down _____ (The Maritimes) – EAST. I’m in Victoria, B.C. which is as far Down West as it gets but no one calls it that.
70a [Prepare to leave Vancouver’s Wreck Beach perhaps] – DRESS. I believe Wreck Beach is a nude beach, but I have no personal experience confirming that. 50a could have been clued [Arrives at Wreck Beach] – STRIPS.
10d [T.O.-based network for tinkerers] – DIY. T.O. = Toronto Ontario; DIY = Do It Yourself. My level of tinkering is so low I had to check to discover I get the DIY network in my cable package. I need the CAG (Call a Guy) network.
57d [Edmonton post-sec. sch.] – U OF A. University of Alberta.
59d [Rapper who once hosted CBC’s “Q”] – SHAD. Foiled again by a CBC radio clue.
Tip of the Week
20d [Oakland baseball team, to fans] – THEAS – named the Greek goddess. I lie. The answer is THE A’S. The tip is to parse the answers in different ways when you are missing a letter or two.
See you next week.