Hi all.
7d [Exasperated cry] – YEESH! I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.
If you recall last week, there was a theme answer:
[One of Paul Simon’s “50 ways to leave your lover”] – SLIP OUT THE BACK, Jack. The song only lists five ways, so we are left to wonder about the other 45. Fill in her KenKen, Len; Delete her Tweet, Pete.
~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~
Well, this week the theme is “5 Ways to Leave Your Lover.” And the first one seems very familiar to me:
16a [Way #1: _____ _____ ____, Pete] – DELETE HER TWEET
21a [Way #2: _____ _____ ____, Thor] – SHOW HER THE DOOR
39a [Way #3: _____ _____ ____, Ned] – TELL HER YOU’RE WED
50a [Way #4 _____ _____ ____, Paul] – DECLINE HER CALL
58a [Way #5 _____ _____ ____, Matt] – GIVE BACK HER CAT
If you are wondering what the heck is going on, here’s a link to the song: 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
Canadian content:
18a [TSN interviewee: Abbr.] – ATH. The Sports Network interviews ATHletes.
32a [Emily _____ University of Art + Design] – CARR in Vancouver. You can also visit Emily Carr House in Victoria.
43a [Canadian comic Cullen or Collins] – SEAN
47a [Product testing org.] – CSA. Canadian Standards Association
17d [Combined levy in P.E.I.] – HST. Harmonized Sales Tax. Harmonized as in combining the federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) with the provincial sales tax. British Columbia was part of the HST from July 1, 2010 until April 1, 2013 and I know more about that than any other crossword blogger, or crossword solver for that matter. Maybe one day I’ll write my memoirs with the inside story.
63d [CFL six-pointers] – TDS. You already know about the Canadian Football League, right?
Tip of the week:
50D [553, in Ancient Rome] – DLIII
Roman numeral clues appear often, so you should know the numbers:
I – one, V- five, X – ten, L – fifty, C – one hundred, D – five hundred, M – one thousand
As always if you need more help just leave a comment. I’ll take the blame for this week, but if the next IX puzzles are the rest of the L reasons, that’s on Barb.
Stuck with it and solved it! Lots of fun references to a great song from so long ago. Almost didn’t get “pantywaists”; thought it referred to an item of female clothing LOL! And I didn’t get the “anti water” reference; Timberlake isn’t my generation.
Question: in “Across Lite”, to move to the next clue, you can press an arrow or the profile of a head with a crossword brain. What is the crossword brain about?
Thanks for reading this.