Hi all.
Jeffrey here.
“Sharp Objects” is this week’s puzzle title hints at the theme revealed at 71a and 72a [ATM prompt … and this puzzle’s solving trick] – ENTER PIN. A “PIN” is inserted into theme answer.
21a [Author of the “alphabet series” lying on her back] – SU[PIN]E GRAFTON. “A” is for Alibi, “B” of for Burglar and so one.
28a [“Play that piano softly!”] – QUIET ON THE S[PIN]ET.
49a [Playing the tin whistle on a chilly day?] – PI[PIN]G IN A BLANKET.
58a [Umbrella-flying nanny in Beantown?] – BOSTON POP[PIN]S. Mary Poppins over 63a [Eliza taught by “’enry ‘iggins”] – DOOLITTLE is a nice Julie Andrews mini-theme.
Canadian content:
16a [Canadian curling championships] – BRIERS. Now called the Tim Hortons Brier and the stones have been renamed Timbits (that last part may not be accurate).
18a [With “the”, nickname of NHL goalie Hašek] – DOMINATOR. I just treat all hockey clues as Canadian content. Well, Dominik Hašek did play for the Ottawa Senators for a year.
3d [CBC TV streaming app] – GEM.
13d [Bird of prey to Blue Jay?] – ORIOLE. Baseball reference.
Bonus music content:
A lot of musical references in my wheelhouse (i.e. old)
15a [“If I ____ Rich Man] – WERE A.
20a [Girl with The Jets in an Elton John song] – BENNIE.
1d [Song parodied by Weird Al as “Fat”] – BAD.
19d [“Here’s on Gilligan’s ____” (song lyric)] – ISLE.
36d [The Dave Clark Five, and others] – QUINTETS.
61d [“Would ____ to You” (Eurythmics hit)] – I LIE.
Tip of the Week:
If this puzzle seems to be taking extra time to solve, it may be because it is larger (16×15) than usual.
See you next week!