Hi all!

Jeffrey here.

“P is for Promo” is this week’s puzzle title, and each theme answer starts with a P-word that may apply to a promoter.

20a [Aggressively pepper with questions] – PUMP FOR ANSWERS.

25a [Golf variation that can be played in an hour] – PITCH AND PUTT.

43a [Repeatedly extend one’s parking time limit] – PLUG THE METER.

53a [Try to aggravate, as one’s mom] – PUSH HER BUTTONS.


Canadian content:

30a [Van. school that publishes “The Peak”] – SFU. Simon Fraser University, located on Burnaby Mountain.

49a [Serena’s victor at the 2019 U. S. Open] – BIANCA Andreescu of Mississauga, Ontario.

56a [_____ Québécois (Plamondon’s group] – PARTI. Paul St-Pierre Plamondon is the current leader of this sovereigntist political party in Quebec.  And his name has a lot of P’s.

8d [Chris Hatfield’s Ontario birthplace] – SARNIA.  Former astronaut. Speaking of space, James Doohan, the original Scotty on Star Trek, was Canadian. He was born in Vancouver but didn’t go to SFU. However, he did go to high school in Sarnia. Small country.

26d [Certain freight trains] – CN’S. Canadian National Railway.

51d [Borden’s bill, slangily] – C-NOTE.  Robert Borden, Canadian Prime Minister from 1911 – 1920, is seen on the $100 bill. He was Prime Minister when James Doohan was born. There is no P-note.

This is my last weekly blog. I’m grateful Barb gave me the opportunity and hope you learned a bit about Canada and were amused once in a while.

Tip of the Week:

Fear not, the blog will be in capable hands, so come back here next week!

P-eace, out!