Hi all
Today’s puzzle is titled “Mini Crossword.” The theme is revealed at 64a [Word with synonyms hidden in 18-, 24-, 36-, 46- and 55- Across] – SMALL
18a [Recounted epic tales] – SPUN YARNS. Puny.
24a [Beyoncé’s former girl group] – DESTINY’S CHILD. Tiny. Even I (Mr. don’t know any music after the 1980’s) have heard of them, so they must be big).
36a [What gourmands bring to the table] – HEARTY APPETITES. Petite.
46a [Attire for judges and deans] –ACADEMIC ROBES. Micro.
55a [Spot reserved for a real-time film critic] – TWEET SEAT. Wee. I guess that could also apply to a real-time crossword blogger. Not me, I’m a fake-time crossword blogger.
Canadian content
33a [Hassan or Wong of comedy] – ALI. Ali Hassan is a Canadian comedian who can be heard on CBC radio. New to me.
59a [Fleur de ___, (Québec symbol) – LYS.
6d [Like Nickelback vocals] – RASPY. They used to be called Pennyback but had to change their name when Canada got rid of pennies.
33d [Alberta river, town, glacier or university] – ATHABASCA. Four clues in one!
47d [reduced section of Canada’s Food Guide, 2019] – MEATS. Bad news for those with 36-acrosses.
Tip of the Week (1)
I sometimes make things up (like Pennyback).
Tip of the Week (2)
Knowing something about the constructor can help with solving their puzzles. I’m discovering that if I listen to more CBC radio, like Barb must, I will get more of her references.
As always if you need more help just leave a comment. See you next week.