About the Crosswords

ClassiCanadian Crosswords are built on a 15×15 grid (the size in most daily newspapers). They are all titled and themed. Themed crosswords are fun because the point is not just to fill in squares and finish the puzzle but there’s the added challenge of finding the link between the title and long answers, thereby uncovering the “game within the game.”

Yes, but how hard are they? Not too hard, really! They will make you think but with …

• Clever titles

• Consistent themes

• Fun clues and wordplay

• Plenty of Canadian flavour

ClassiCanadian Crosswords are Grade A (Eh?) food for the brain. And best of all, they let you “think Canadian!”




Sample Crosswords

What Lies Beneath


  • The puzzle title is a large hint to what the puzzle’s theme is about.
  • A clue ending in a question mark indicates there’s something tricky going on with the clue. Watch out for misdirection.
  • An abbreviation in a clue indicates that the answer is/has an abbreviation.
  • Theme answers are usually the longest answers in the grid. There will always be at least 3 theme answers in a puzzle.
  • There’s no such thing as cheating. The point is to have fun with the challenge, and maybe to learn something new along the way.

The Solvers Speak

“Sometimes I sit back and marvel at the cleverness behind the puzzle.”

— Daryl Cober, Toronto, On

“The Canadian content is particularly appealing.”

— Donna Marlatte, Vancouver, BC

“My sister has given me a birthday present of this subscription. You have no idea how happy I was to receive it.”

— Perry Kraft, Cranbrook, BC

“Thank you very much! My wife and I love these every week and look forward to their delivery.”

— James Mones, Edmonton, AB

“Just wanted to say how much I enjoy solving your puzzles each week, keep up the great work!”

— Janet E. John, Cranbrook, BC