Every Wednesday subscribers receive a themed
Canadian Crossword straight to their inbox!
Puzzles can be solved on computers and mobile devices, or can be printed and solved old-school style.
(Note: These puzzles are not for publication or commercial use. For newspapers/media, please see Publishers’ Page.)

52 puzzles: $19.99
104 puzzles: $34.98
52 puzzles + 52 puzzle gift:
$19.99 + Gift $9.99 = $29.98
Gift orders: Include recipient’s email in the payment section. Thank you.
* To purchase via cheque or e-transfer, or to include special instructions, please email Barb.
Crosswords and solutions are available in PDF for printing, and PUZ for computer (and some iOS mobile apps such as Puzzazz.)
PUZ for computer solving requires free Across Lite installation. DOWNLOAD HERE
Puzzles will be delivered to your email by 4:00 PST every Wednesday afternoon.